Learn how to subscribe to lightningd event notifications with CLN plugins

LIVE #4May 11, 2023

In the first part of this live we write a Python plugin without pyln-client package which subscribes to the notification topics connect and disconnect. A benefit of doing it like this is that it allows us to understand how the system works. Another benefit is that the way we write the plugin can be applied to any other languages. In the second part we do it again with Python but this time using pyln-client package.

Transcript with corrections and improvements

What is a JSON-RPC notification

In JSON-RPC 2.0 Specification we can read that

A notification is a Request object without an "id" member.

so that a notification looks like this

  "jsonrpc": "2.0",
  "method": "foo",
  "params": {
    "bar": "baz"

and we can also read that

The Server MUST NOT reply to a Notification [...]


What about Core Lightning?

Core Lightning push-based notification mechanism

Core Lightning provides plugins with a push-based notification mechanism about events from lightningd.

Meaning that plugins can "ask" lightningd to be notified when some events happened in lightningd by subscribing to the corresponding notification topics. Once they have subscribed, plugins will be notified each time those events occur. And when they receive a notification, plugins handle it without replying back to lightningd.

Ok, but how does a plugin subscribe to a notification topic?

When a plugin is started by lightningd, the plugin receives a getmanifest request and an init request before starting an I/O loop waiting for incoming request from lightningd.

A plugin subscribes to notification topics by adding them to the field subscriptions in the params field of the response to the getmanifest request from lightningd like this:

  "jsonrpc": "2.0",
  "id": ...,
  "result": {
    "dynamic": True,
    "options": [...],
    "rpcmethods": [...],
    "subscriptions": ["topic_1", "topic_2"]

The current notification topics are: channel_opened, channel_open_failed, channel_state_changed, connect, disconnect, invoice_payment, invoice_creation, warning, forward_event, listforwards, sendpay_success, sendpay_failure, coin_movement, block_added, openchannel_peer_sigs, shutdown.

So for instance, if a plugin wants to be notified when his node connects or disconnects to another node (and nothing else), the plugin subscribes to the notification topics connect and disconnect by replying to the following getmanifest request (sent by lightningd)

  "jsonrpc": "2.0",
  "id": 187,
  "method": "getmanifest",
  "params": {
    "allow-deprecated-apis": false

with that response:

  "jsonrpc": "2.0",
  "id": 187,
  "result": {
    "dynamic": True,
    "options": [],
    "rpcmethods": [],
    "subscriptions": ["connect", "disconnect"]

Once the plugin is started, if the node running the plugin connects to the node 0271aecf3075ce72f2df479b60fc1db98d4d780c66fa495013614054554e1bb2bf, the plugin will be notified with a notification that looks like this:

  "jsonrpc": "2.0",
  "method": "connect",
  "params": {
    "id": "0271aecf3075ce72f2df479b60fc1db98d4d780c66fa495013614054554e1bb2bf",
    "direction": "out",
    "address": {
      "type": "ipv4",
      "address": "",
      "port": 7272

The plugin can then handle that notification without replying back to lightningd.

Subscribe to connect and disconnect lightningd notification topics with a Python plugin

Let's write a Python plugin without pyln-client package which subscribes to the notification topics connect and disconnect.


Here is my setup:

◉ tony@tony:~/lnroom:
$ ./setup.sh
Ubuntu 22.04.2 LTS
Python 3.10.6
lightningd v23.02.2

Start 2 Lightning nodes running on regtest

Let's start two Lightning nodes running on the Bitcoin regtest chain by sourcing the script lightning/contrib/startup_regtest.sh provided in CLN repository and by running the command start_ln:

◉ tony@tony:~/clnlive:
$ source lightning/contrib/startup_regtest.sh
lightning-cli is /usr/local/bin/lightning-cli
lightningd is /usr/local/bin/lightningd
Useful commands:
  start_ln 3: start three nodes, l1, l2, l3
  connect 1 2: connect l1 and l2
  fund_nodes: connect all nodes with channels, in a row
  stop_ln: shutdown
  destroy_ln: remove ln directories
◉ tony@tony:~/clnlive:
$ start_ln
Bitcoin Core starting
awaiting bitcoind...
Making "default" bitcoind wallet.
[1] 108917
[2] 108952
WARNING: eatmydata not found: instal it for faster testing
        l1-cli, l1-log,
        l2-cli, l2-log,
        bt-cli, stop_ln, fund_nodes

We can check that l1-cli is just an alias for lightning-cli with the base directory being /tmp/l1-regtest:

◉ tony@tony:~/clnlive:
$ alias l1-cli
alias l1-cli='lightning-cli --lightning-dir=/tmp/l1-regtest'


Instead of writing the plugin from scratch we use parts of the code we wrote during the first live which was about registering JSON-RPC methods to lightningd and understanding CLN plugin system.

This way we can focus on how to subscribe to notification topics and how to handle notifications.

So we start with the file myplugin.py containing the following:

#!/usr/bin/env python

import sys
import json

# getmanifest
request = sys.stdin.readline()
sys.stdin.readline() # "\n"
req_id = json.loads(request)["id"]

manifest = {
    "jsonrpc": "2.0",
    "id": req_id,
    "result": {
        "dynamic": True,
        "options": [],
        "rpcmethods": []


# init
request = sys.stdin.readline()
sys.stdin.readline() # "\n"
req_id = json.loads(request)["id"]

init = {
    "jsonrpc": "2.0",
    "id": req_id,
    "result": {}


# io loop

for request in sys.stdin:
    sys.stdin.readline() # "\n"

In that script, we first receive the getmanifest request from lightningd in our stdin stream, we extract its id and we construct the getmanifest response (the plugin is dynamic, with no startup options and register no JSON-RPC methods) that we send back to lightningd by writing it to our stdout stream:

# getmanifest
request = sys.stdin.readline()
sys.stdin.readline() # "\n"
req_id = json.loads(request)["id"]

manifest = {
    "jsonrpc": "2.0",
    "id": req_id,
    "result": {
        "dynamic": True,
        "options": [],
        "rpcmethods": []


Then we handle the init request sent by lightningd in our stdin stream:

# init
request = sys.stdin.readline()
sys.stdin.readline() # "\n"
req_id = json.loads(request)["id"]

init = {
    "jsonrpc": "2.0",
    "id": req_id,
    "result": {}


And finally we start an I/O loop waiting for incoming request from lightningd:

# io loop

for request in sys.stdin:
    sys.stdin.readline() # "\n"

subscribing to connect

Let's subscribe to connect notification topic by adding it to the array subscriptions part of the result field of the getmanifest response:

manifest = {
    "jsonrpc": "2.0",
    "id": req_id,
    "result": {
        "dynamic": True,
        "options": [],
        "rpcmethods": [],
        "subscriptions": ["connect"]

And when we'll receive notifications for that topic, we'll write them into the file /tmp/myplugin like this:

for request in sys.stdin:
    sys.stdin.readline() # "\n"

    with open("/tmp/myplugin", "a") as myplugin:
        myplugin.write("connect notification: " + request + "\n")

Note that we don't need to write any logic for now because the only notifications we'll ever receive from lightningd are for connect topic (due to our getmanifest response).

Note also that since we are handling notifications, we don't send any responses to lightningd unlike what we did before with getmanifest and init requests.

In our terminal now we can start our plugin and connect l1 and l2 nodes using connect command provided by lightning/contrib/startup_regtest.sh script:

$ l1-cli plugin start $(pwd)/myplugin.py
   "command": "start",
   "plugins": [
         "name": "/usr/local/libexec/c-lightning/plugins/autoclean",
         "active": true,
         "dynamic": false
         "name": "/usr/local/libexec/c-lightning/plugins/chanbackup",
         "active": true,
         "dynamic": false
         "name": "/usr/local/libexec/c-lightning/plugins/bcli",
         "active": true,
         "dynamic": false
         "name": "/usr/local/libexec/c-lightning/plugins/commando",
         "active": true,
         "dynamic": false
         "name": "/usr/local/libexec/c-lightning/plugins/funder",
         "active": true,
         "dynamic": true
         "name": "/usr/local/libexec/c-lightning/plugins/topology",
         "active": true,
         "dynamic": false
         "name": "/usr/local/libexec/c-lightning/plugins/keysend",
         "active": true,
         "dynamic": false
         "name": "/usr/local/libexec/c-lightning/plugins/offers",
         "active": true,
         "dynamic": true
         "name": "/usr/local/libexec/c-lightning/plugins/pay",
         "active": true,
         "dynamic": true
         "name": "/usr/local/libexec/c-lightning/plugins/txprepare",
         "active": true,
         "dynamic": true
         "name": "/usr/local/libexec/c-lightning/plugins/spenderp",
         "active": true,
         "dynamic": false
         "name": "/usr/local/libexec/c-lightning/plugins/sql",
         "active": true,
         "dynamic": true
         "name": "/usr/local/libexec/c-lightning/plugins/bookkeeper",
         "active": true,
         "dynamic": false
         "name": "/home/tony/clnlive/myplugin.py",
         "active": true,
         "dynamic": true
◉ tony@tony:~/clnlive:
$ connect 1 2
   "id": "0271aecf3075ce72f2df479b60fc1db98d4d780c66fa495013614054554e1bb2bf",
   "features": "08a000080269a2",
   "direction": "out",
   "address": {
      "type": "ipv4",
      "address": "",
      "port": 7272

As the node l1 is running myplugin plugin which subscribes to connect notification topic and write them to the file /tmp/plugin each time l1 connects to another node, and that l1 has just connected to l2, the file /tmp/plugin contains the following connect notification:

connect notification: {"jsonrpc":"2.0","method":"connect","params":{"id":"0271aecf3075ce72f2df479b60fc1db98d4d780c66fa495013614054554e1bb2bf","direction":"out","address":{"type":"ipv4","address":"","port":7272}}}

We can prettify that notification like this:

  "jsonrpc": "2.0",
  "method": "connect",
  "params": {
    "id": "0271aecf3075ce72f2df479b60fc1db98d4d780c66fa495013614054554e1bb2bf",
    "direction": "out",
    "address": {
      "type": "ipv4",
      "address": "",
      "port": 7272

Note that the request from lightningd being a notification has no id.

With that done, now we know how to subscribe to a notification topic in Core Lightning.

To summarize, in the getmanifest response we add the notification topics we want to subscribe too in the array subscriptions of the params field, then each time we receive a notification for one of those topics we handle them without relpying back to lightningd.

subscribing to disconnect

Let's subscribe to disconnect notification topic by adding it to the array subscriptions part of the result field of the getmanifest response:

manifest = {
    "jsonrpc": "2.0",
    "id": req_id,
    "result": {
        "dynamic": True,
        "options": [],
        "rpcmethods": [],
        "subscriptions": ["connect", "disconnect"]

Now we add some logic in the I/O loop to dispatch on the notification topics. To do this we extract the method (the notification topic) of the notification we receive from lightningd and we dispatch on it like this:

for request in sys.stdin:
    sys.stdin.readline() # "\n"

    method = json.loads(request)["method"]
    if method == "connect":
        with open("/tmp/myplugin", "a") as myplugin:
            myplugin.write("connect notification: " + request + "\n")

    if method == "disconnect":
        with open("/tmp/myplugin", "a") as myplugin:
            myplugin.write("disconnect notification: " + request + "\n")

In our terminal, first we disconnect the nodes l1 and l2

◉ tony@tony:~/clnlive:
$ l1-cli disconnect 0271aecf3075ce72f2df479b60fc1db98d4d780c66fa495013614054554e1bb2bf

then we restart the plugin

◉ tony@tony:~/clnlive:
$ l1-cli plugin start $(pwd)/myplugin.py
   "command": "start",
   "plugins": [...]

Note that since the checksum of our plugin script as change, using start subcommand of plugin command stops myplugin.py plugin that was running and restart it with the new modifications.

Then we connect again both nodes and disconnect them immediately:

◉ tony@tony:~/clnlive:
$ connect 1 2
   "id": "0271aecf3075ce72f2df479b60fc1db98d4d780c66fa495013614054554e1bb2bf",
   "features": "08a000080269a2",
   "direction": "out",
   "address": {
      "type": "ipv4",
      "address": "",
      "port": 7272

The plugin myplugin.py has been notified twice: once for connect notification topic and once for disconnect notification topic.

Therefore, the file /tmp/myplugin is now:

connect notification: {"jsonrpc":"2.0","method":"connect","params":{"id":"0271aecf3075ce72f2df479b60fc1db98d4d780c66fa495013614054554e1bb2bf","direction":"out","address":{"type":"ipv4","address":"","port":7272}}}

connect notification: {"jsonrpc":"2.0","method":"connect","params":{"id":"0271aecf3075ce72f2df479b60fc1db98d4d780c66fa495013614054554e1bb2bf","direction":"out","address":{"type":"ipv4","address":"","port":7272}}}

disconnect notification: {"jsonrpc":"2.0","method":"disconnect","params":{"id":"0271aecf3075ce72f2df479b60fc1db98d4d780c66fa495013614054554e1bb2bf"}}

We are done for that first part.

Subscribe to connect, disconnect and invoice_creation lightningd notification topics with a pyln-client

Let's write a Python plugin with pyln-client package which subscribes to connect, disconnect and invoice_creation notification topics.

Install pyln-client

Let's stop the node l1, install pyln-client in .venv python environment and restart it after activating .venv environment:

◉ tony@tony:~/clnlive:
$ l1-cli stop
"Shutdown complete"
[1]-  Done                    test -f "/tmp/l$i-$network/lightningd-$network.pid" || $EATMYDATA "$LIGHTNINGD" "--lightning-dir=/tmp/l$i-$network"
◉ tony@tony:~/clnlive:
$ python -m venv .venv
◉ tony@tony:~/clnlive:
$ source .venv/bin/activate
(.venv) ◉ tony@tony:~/clnlive:
$ pip install pyln-client
(.venv) ◉ tony@tony:~/clnlive:
$ lightningd --lightning-dir=/tmp/l1-regtest --daemon

Subscribe to connect

In the file myplugin-pyln.py we have a working plugin written with pyln-client (thought it does nothing so far):

#!/usr/bin/env python

from pyln.client import Plugin
import json

plugin = Plugin()


We use the line @plugin.subscribe("connect") to tell pyln-client that we want to subscribe to connect notification topic. And the function defined after that line will be used to handle connect notification received from lightningd. In our case we write the id of the node we connect too in the file /tmp/plugin:

So our plugin is now:

#!/usr/bin/env python

from pyln.client import Plugin
import json

plugin = Plugin()

def connect_func(plugin, id, direction, address , **kwargs):
    with open("/tmp/myplugin-pyln", "a") as myplugin:
        myplugin.write("connect notification: " + id + "\n")


Let's start our pyln-client plugin and connect the node l1 and l2:

(.venv) ◉ tony@tony:~/clnlive:
$ l1-cli plugin start $(pwd)/myplugin-pyln.py
   "command": "start",
   "plugins": [...]
(.venv) ◉ tony@tony:~/clnlive:
$ connect 1 2
   "id": "0271aecf3075ce72f2df479b60fc1db98d4d780c66fa495013614054554e1bb2bf",
   "features": "08a000080269a2",
   "direction": "out",
   "address": {
      "type": "ipv4",
      "address": "",
      "port": 7272

We check that the file /tmp/plugin-pyln contains

connect notification: 0271aecf3075ce72f2df479b60fc1db98d4d780c66fa495013614054554e1bb2bf

indicating that we've successfully subscribed to connect notification topic.

Let's modify our plugin to return the params object of the connect notification:

#!/usr/bin/env python

from pyln.client import Plugin
import json

plugin = Plugin()

def connect_func(plugin, id, direction, address , **kwargs):
    notif = {
        "id": id,
        "direction": direction,
        "address": address
    with open("/tmp/myplugin-pyln", "a") as myplugin:
        myplugin.write("connect notification: " + json.dumps(notif) + "\n")


Note how pyln-client passes the argument to connect_func. Each first fields in the params object of a notification request like the following connect request

  "jsonrpc": "2.0",
  "method": "connect",
  "params": {
    "id": "...",
    "direction": "...",
    "address": {...}

are bound to their value and pass as argument to the function (connect_func in our case) defined below @plugin.subscribe("...").

Back to our terminal, we disconnect the nodes, restart the plugin and connect them again:

(.venv) ◉ tony@tony:~/clnlive:
$ l1-cli disconnect 0271aecf3075ce72f2df479b60fc1db98d4d780c66fa495013614054554e1bb2bf
(.venv) ◉ tony@tony:~/clnlive:
$ l1-cli plugin start $(pwd)/myplugin-pyln.py
   "command": "start",
   "plugins": [...]
(.venv) ◉ tony@tony:~/clnlive:
$ connect 1 2
   "id": "0271aecf3075ce72f2df479b60fc1db98d4d780c66fa495013614054554e1bb2bf",
   "features": "08a000080269a2",
   "direction": "out",
   "address": {
      "type": "ipv4",
      "address": "",
      "port": 7272

The file /tmp/plugin-pyln is now:

connect notification: 0271aecf3075ce72f2df479b60fc1db98d4d780c66fa495013614054554e1bb2bf
connect notification: {"id": "0271aecf3075ce72f2df479b60fc1db98d4d780c66fa495013614054554e1bb2bf", "direction": "out", "address": {"type": "ipv4", "address": "", "port": 7272}}

pyln-client logs the Traceback

It is easier to debug our code when we have access to the traceback. And pyln-client makes it easy by logging in the node's log the Traceback when an error is caught during the notification handling.

Let's see that by introducing a type error in our plugin like this:

#!/usr/bin/env python

from pyln.client import Plugin
import json

plugin = Plugin()

def connect_func(plugin, id, direction, address , **kwargs):
    1 + "foo"


Back to our terminal, we disconnect the nodes, restart the plugin and connect them again:

(.venv) ◉ tony@tony:~/clnlive:
$ l1-cli disconnect 0271aecf3075ce72f2df479b60fc1db98d4d780c66fa495013614054554e1bb2bf
(.venv) ◉ tony@tony:~/clnlive:
$ l1-cli plugin start $(pwd)/myplugin-pyln.py
   "command": "start",
   "plugins": [...]
(.venv) ◉ tony@tony:~/clnlive:
$ connect 1 2
   "id": "0271aecf3075ce72f2df479b60fc1db98d4d780c66fa495013614054554e1bb2bf",
   "features": "08a000080269a2",
   "direction": "out",
   "address": {
      "type": "ipv4",
      "address": "",
      "port": 7272

If we were running a plugin that return an error due to the expression 1 + "foo", lightningd would have killed the plugin. But, pyln-client caches errors and logs them in the node's log. And so the plugin is not killed by lightningd as we can see looking for its process:

(.venv) ◉ tony@tony:~/clnlive:
$ ps -ax | rg myplugin
1207796 ?        S      0:00 python /home/tony/clnlive/myplugin-pyln.py
1207907 pts/0    S+     0:00 rg myplugin

And we can read the traceback in the log file /tmp/l1-regtest/log:

2023-05-11T14:41:22.629Z INFO    plugin-myplugin-pyln.py: Traceback (most recent call last):
2023-05-11T14:41:22.629Z DEBUG   0271aecf3075ce72f2df479b60fc1db98d4d780c66fa495013614054554e1bb2bf-connectd: peer_out WIRE_GOSSIP_TIMESTAMP_FILTER
2023-05-11T14:41:22.629Z DEBUG   0271aecf3075ce72f2df479b60fc1db98d4d780c66fa495013614054554e1bb2bf-gossipd: seeker: starting gossip
2023-05-11T14:41:22.629Z INFO    plugin-myplugin-pyln.py:   File \"/home/tony/clnlive/.venv/lib/python3.10/site-packages/pyln/client/plugin.py\", line 668, in _dispatch_notification
2023-05-11T14:41:22.629Z INFO    plugin-myplugin-pyln.py:     self._exec_func(func, request)
2023-05-11T14:41:22.629Z INFO    plugin-myplugin-pyln.py:   File \"/home/tony/clnlive/.venv/lib/python3.10/site-packages/pyln/client/plugin.py\", line 619, in _exec_func
2023-05-11T14:41:22.629Z INFO    plugin-myplugin-pyln.py:     ret = func(*ba.args, **ba.kwargs)
2023-05-11T14:41:22.629Z INFO    plugin-myplugin-pyln.py:   File \"/home/tony/clnlive/myplugin-pyln.py\", line 10, in connect_func
2023-05-11T14:41:22.629Z INFO    plugin-myplugin-pyln.py:     1 + \"foo\"
2023-05-11T14:41:22.629Z INFO    plugin-myplugin-pyln.py: TypeError: unsupported operand type(s) for +: 'int' and 'str'
2023-05-11T14:41:22.629Z INFO    plugin-myplugin-pyln.py:

Subscribe to disconnect

Let's modify our plugin to subscribe to disconnect notification topic:

#!/usr/bin/env python

from pyln.client import Plugin
import json

plugin = Plugin()

def connect_func(plugin, id, direction, address , **kwargs):
    notif = {
        "id": id,
        "direction": direction,
        "address": address
    with open("/tmp/myplugin-pyln", "a") as myplugin:
        myplugin.write("connect notification: " + json.dumps(notif) + "\n")

def disconnect_func(plugin, id, **kwargs):
    with open("/tmp/myplugin-pyln", "a") as myplugin:
        myplugin.write("disconnect notification: " + id + "\n")


Back to our terminal, we disconnect the nodes, restart the plugin, connect them again and disconnect them immediately:

(.venv) ◉ tony@tony:~/clnlive:
$ l1-cli disconnect 0271aecf3075ce72f2df479b60fc1db98d4d780c66fa495013614054554e1bb2bf
(.venv) ◉ tony@tony:~/clnlive:
$ l1-cli plugin start $(pwd)/myplugin-pyln.py
   "command": "start",
   "plugins": [...]
(.venv) ◉ tony@tony:~/clnlive:
$ connect 1 2
   "id": "0271aecf3075ce72f2df479b60fc1db98d4d780c66fa495013614054554e1bb2bf",
   "features": "08a000080269a2",
   "direction": "out",
   "address": {
      "type": "ipv4",
      "address": "",
      "port": 7272
(.venv) ◉ tony@tony:~/clnlive:
$ l1-cli disconnect 0271aecf3075ce72f2df479b60fc1db98d4d780c66fa495013614054554e1bb2bf

The file /tmp/plugin-pyln is now:

connect notification: 0271aecf3075ce72f2df479b60fc1db98d4d780c66fa495013614054554e1bb2bf
connect notification: {"id": "0271aecf3075ce72f2df479b60fc1db98d4d780c66fa495013614054554e1bb2bf", "direction": "out", "address": {"type": "ipv4", "address": "", "port": 7272}}
connect notification: {"id": "0271aecf3075ce72f2df479b60fc1db98d4d780c66fa495013614054554e1bb2bf", "direction": "out", "address": {"type": "ipv4", "address": "", "port": 7272}}
disconnect notification: 0271aecf3075ce72f2df479b60fc1db98d4d780c66fa495013614054554e1bb2bf

Subscribe to invoice_creation

Let's modify our plugin to subscribe to invoice_creation notification topic:

#!/usr/bin/env python

from pyln.client import Plugin
import json

plugin = Plugin()

def connect_func(plugin, id, direction, address , **kwargs):
    notif = {
        "id": id,
        "direction": direction,
        "address": address
    with open("/tmp/myplugin-pyln", "a") as myplugin:
        myplugin.write("connect notification: " + json.dumps(notif) + "\n")

def disconnect_func(plugin, id, **kwargs):
    with open("/tmp/myplugin-pyln", "a") as myplugin:
        myplugin.write("disconnect notification: " + id + "\n")

def invoice_creation_func(plugin, invoice_creation, **kwargs):
    with open("/tmp/myplugin-pyln", "a") as myplugin:
        myplugin.write("invoice_creation notification: " +
                       json.dumps(invoice_creation) + "\n")


Back to our terminal, we restart the plugin and create an invoice with the node l1:

(.venv) ◉ tony@tony:~/clnlive:
$ l1-cli plugin start $(pwd)/myplugin-pyln.py
   "command": "start",
   "plugins": [...]
(.venv) ◉ tony@tony:~/clnlive:
$ l1-cli invoice 0.001btc inv pizza
   "payment_hash": "cdc9e18d9bd7e8c9206f8a1ed085b433ee52c4f669fe2b769b249ea792fb13d0",
   "expires_at": 1684421489,
   "bolt11": "lnbcrt1m1pj96q83sp59lafyq9v75389rf7vw9naa98wgcjclqlhm0uv078x6x2dl55l3kqpp5ehy7rrvm6l5vjgr03g0dppd5x0h9938kd8lzka5myj020yhmz0gqdqgwp5h57npxqyjw5qcqp29qyysgqnj9sv2jnkvt8ggjwhtz66gqhgakpdux5addva5zpm2u86q7a60rzn8ravhg9wrfkum80sevcpr82gxqs3j7a9nmrwrx4scsdha6jnssq0hs8he",
   "payment_secret": "2ffa9200acf522728d3e638b3ef4a772312c7c1fbedfc63fc7368ca6fe94fc6c",
   "warning_capacity": "Insufficient incoming channel capacity to pay invoice"

The file /tmp/plugin-pyln is now:

connect notification: 0271aecf3075ce72f2df479b60fc1db98d4d780c66fa495013614054554e1bb2bf
connect notification: {"id": "0271aecf3075ce72f2df479b60fc1db98d4d780c66fa495013614054554e1bb2bf", "direction": "out", "address": {"type": "ipv4", "address": "", "port": 7272}}
connect notification: {"id": "0271aecf3075ce72f2df479b60fc1db98d4d780c66fa495013614054554e1bb2bf", "direction": "out", "address": {"type": "ipv4", "address": "", "port": 7272}}
disconnect notification: 0271aecf3075ce72f2df479b60fc1db98d4d780c66fa495013614054554e1bb2bf
invoice_creation notification: {"msat": "100000000msat", "preimage": "88042f007f02283571abbc40aca8b4302643415e85c71413177ef139b4276970", "label": "inv"}

tests/plugins directory

In the directory tests/plugins of lightning repository we can find more examples of subscription to notification topics:

◉ tony@tony:~/clnlive/lightning/tests/plugins:[git»(HEAD detached at v23.02.2)]
$ rg '@plugin\.subscribe'









How does connect_func get called when the connect notification is received?

When the plugin is started for each decorator line @plugin.subscribe("..."), pyln-client adds an entry to the property subscriptions of plugin instance, where the key is the notification topic and the value is the function just below each decorator line.

In our case, once the plugin is running, we have plugin.subscriptions equal to that following object:

 'connect': <function connect_func at 0x7f801af9be20>,
 'disconnect': <function disconnect_func at 0x7f801afc0dc0>,
 'invoice_creation': <function invoice_creation_func at 0x7f801afc1870>

Then when the plugin receives a notification, let say a connect notification, in plugin.run() the method plugin._multi_dispatch() with an array as argument containing the connect notification is called:

class Plugin(object):
    def run(self) -> None:
        # If we are not running inside lightningd we'll print usage
        # and some information about the plugin.
        if os.environ.get('LIGHTNINGD_PLUGIN', None) != '1':
            return self.print_usage()

        partial = b""
        for l in self.stdin.buffer:
            partial += l

            msgs = partial.split(b'\n\n')
            if len(msgs) < 2:

            partial = self._multi_dispatch(msgs)

In plugin._multi_dispatch(), the request being a notification doesn't have an id and so plugin._dispatch_notification is then called with the request as argument.

class Plugin(object):
    def _multi_dispatch(self, msgs: List[bytes]) -> bytes:
        """We received a couple of messages, now try to dispatch them all.

        Returns the last partial message that was not complete yet.
        for payload in msgs[:-1]:
            # Note that we use function annotations to do Millisatoshi
            # conversions in _exec_func, so we don't use LightningJSONDecoder
            # here.
            request = self._parse_request(json.loads(payload.decode('utf8')))

            # If this has an 'id'-field, it's a request and returns a
            # result. Otherwise it's a notification and it doesn't
            # return anything.
            if request.id is not None:

        return msgs[-1]

And in plugin._dispatch_notification, the function connect_func is found in the dictionary plugin.subscriptions and is executed.

class Plugin(object):
    def _dispatch_notification(self, request: Request) -> None:
        if request.method not in self.subscriptions:
            raise ValueError("No subscription for {name} found.".format(
        func = self.subscriptions[request.method]

            self._exec_func(func, request)
        except Exception:

Terminal session

We ran the following commands in this order:

$ ./setup.sh
$ source lightning/contrib/startup_regtest.sh
$ start_ln
$ alias l1-cli
$ l1-cli plugin start $(pwd)/myplugin.py
$ connect 1 2
$ l1-cli disconnect 0271aecf3075ce72f2df479b60fc1db98d4d780c66fa495013614054554e1bb2bf
$ l1-cli plugin start $(pwd)/myplugin.py
$ connect 1 2
$ l1-cli disconnect 0271aecf3075ce72f2df479b60fc1db98d4d780c66fa495013614054554e1bb2bf
$ l1-cli stop
$ python -m venv .venv
$ source .venv/bin/activate
$ pip install pyln-client
$ alias l1-cli
$ lightningd --lightning-dir=/tmp/l1-regtest --daemon
$ l1-cli plugin start $(pwd)/myplugin-pyln.py
$ l1-cli plugin start $(pwd)/myplugin-pyln.py
$ connect 1 2
$ l1-cli disconnect 0271aecf3075ce72f2df479b60fc1db98d4d780c66fa495013614054554e1bb2bf
$ l1-cli plugin start $(pwd)/myplugin-pyln.py
$ connect 1 2
$ l1-cli disconnect 0271aecf3075ce72f2df479b60fc1db98d4d780c66fa495013614054554e1bb2bf
$ l1-cli plugin start $(pwd)/myplugin-pyln.py
$ connect 1 2
$ ps -ax | rg myplugin
$ l1-cli disconnect 0271aecf3075ce72f2df479b60fc1db98d4d780c66fa495013614054554e1bb2bf
$ l1-cli plugin start $(pwd)/myplugin-pyln.py
$ connect 1 2
$ l1-cli disconnect 0271aecf3075ce72f2df479b60fc1db98d4d780c66fa495013614054554e1bb2bf
$ l1-cli plugin start $(pwd)/myplugin-pyln.py
$ l1-cli invoice 0.001btc inv pizza

And below you can read the terminal session (command lines and outputs):

◉ tony@tony:~/clnlive:
$ ./setup.sh
Ubuntu 22.04.2 LTS
Python 3.10.6
lightningd v23.02.2
◉ tony@tony:~/clnlive:
$ source lightning/contrib/startup_regtest.sh
lightning-cli is /usr/local/bin/lightning-cli
lightningd is /usr/local/bin/lightningd
Useful commands:
  start_ln 3: start three nodes, l1, l2, l3
  connect 1 2: connect l1 and l2
  fund_nodes: connect all nodes with channels, in a row
  stop_ln: shutdown
  destroy_ln: remove ln directories
◉ tony@tony:~/clnlive:
$ start_ln
Bitcoin Core starting
awaiting bitcoind...
Making "default" bitcoind wallet.
[1] 1205868
[2] 1205902
WARNING: eatmydata not found: instal it for faster testing
        l1-cli, l1-log,
        l2-cli, l2-log,
        bt-cli, stop_ln, fund_nodes
◉ tony@tony:~/clnlive:
$ alias l1-cli
alias l1-cli='lightning-cli --lightning-dir=/tmp/l1-regtest'
◉ tony@tony:~/clnlive:
$ l1-cli plugin start $(pwd)/myplugin.py
   "command": "start",
   "plugins": [
         "name": "/usr/local/libexec/c-lightning/plugins/autoclean",
         "active": true,
         "dynamic": false
         "name": "/usr/local/libexec/c-lightning/plugins/chanbackup",
         "active": true,
         "dynamic": false
         "name": "/usr/local/libexec/c-lightning/plugins/bcli",
         "active": true,
         "dynamic": false
         "name": "/usr/local/libexec/c-lightning/plugins/commando",
         "active": true,
         "dynamic": false
         "name": "/usr/local/libexec/c-lightning/plugins/funder",
         "active": true,
         "dynamic": true
         "name": "/usr/local/libexec/c-lightning/plugins/topology",
         "active": true,
         "dynamic": false
         "name": "/usr/local/libexec/c-lightning/plugins/keysend",
         "active": true,
         "dynamic": false
         "name": "/usr/local/libexec/c-lightning/plugins/offers",
         "active": true,
         "dynamic": true
         "name": "/usr/local/libexec/c-lightning/plugins/pay",
         "active": true,
         "dynamic": true
         "name": "/usr/local/libexec/c-lightning/plugins/txprepare",
         "active": true,
         "dynamic": true
         "name": "/usr/local/libexec/c-lightning/plugins/spenderp",
         "active": true,
         "dynamic": false
         "name": "/usr/local/libexec/c-lightning/plugins/sql",
         "active": true,
         "dynamic": true
         "name": "/usr/local/libexec/c-lightning/plugins/bookkeeper",
         "active": true,
         "dynamic": false
         "name": "/home/tony/clnlive/myplugin.py",
         "active": true,
         "dynamic": true
◉ tony@tony:~/clnlive:
$ connect 1 2
   "id": "0271aecf3075ce72f2df479b60fc1db98d4d780c66fa495013614054554e1bb2bf",
   "features": "08a000080269a2",
   "direction": "out",
   "address": {
      "type": "ipv4",
      "address": "",
      "port": 7272
◉ tony@tony:~/clnlive:
$ l1-cli disconnect 0271aecf3075ce72f2df479b60fc1db98d4d780c66fa495013614054554e1bb2bf
◉ tony@tony:~/clnlive:
$ l1-cli plugin start $(pwd)/myplugin.py
   "command": "start",
   "plugins": [...]
◉ tony@tony:~/clnlive:
$ connect 1 2
   "id": "0271aecf3075ce72f2df479b60fc1db98d4d780c66fa495013614054554e1bb2bf",
   "features": "08a000080269a2",
   "direction": "out",
   "address": {
      "type": "ipv4",
      "address": "",
      "port": 7272
◉ tony@tony:~/clnlive:
$ l1-cli disconnect 0271aecf3075ce72f2df479b60fc1db98d4d780c66fa495013614054554e1bb2bf
◉ tony@tony:~/clnlive:
$ l1-cli stop
"Shutdown complete"
[1]-  Done                    test -f "/tmp/l$i-$network/lightningd-$network.pid" || $EATMYDATA "$LIGHTNINGD" "--lightning-dir=/tmp/l$i-$network"
◉ tony@tony:~/clnlive:
$ python -m venv .venv
◉ tony@tony:~/clnlive:
$ source .venv/bin/activate
(.venv) ◉ tony@tony:~/clnlive:
$ pip install pyln-client
Collecting pyln-client
  Using cached pyln_client-23.2-py3-none-any.whl (29 kB)
Collecting pyln-bolt7>=1.0
  Using cached pyln_bolt7-1.0.246-py3-none-any.whl (18 kB)
Collecting pyln-proto>=0.12
  Using cached pyln_proto-23.2-py3-none-any.whl (31 kB)
Collecting coincurve<18.0.0,>=17.0.0
  Using cached coincurve-17.0.0-cp310-cp310-manylinux_2_17_x86_64.manylinux2014_x86_64.whl (1.3 MB)
Collecting bitstring<4.0.0,>=3.1.9
  Using cached bitstring-3.1.9-py3-none-any.whl (38 kB)
Collecting base58<3.0.0,>=2.1.1
  Using cached base58-2.1.1-py3-none-any.whl (5.6 kB)
Collecting PySocks<2.0.0,>=1.7.1
  Using cached PySocks-1.7.1-py3-none-any.whl (16 kB)
Collecting cryptography<37.0.0,>=36.0.1
  Using cached cryptography-36.0.2-cp36-abi3-manylinux_2_24_x86_64.whl (3.6 MB)
Collecting cffi>=1.3.0
  Using cached cffi-1.15.1-cp310-cp310-manylinux_2_17_x86_64.manylinux2014_x86_64.whl (441 kB)
Collecting asn1crypto
  Using cached asn1crypto-1.5.1-py2.py3-none-any.whl (105 kB)
Collecting pycparser
  Using cached pycparser-2.21-py2.py3-none-any.whl (118 kB)
Installing collected packages: bitstring, asn1crypto, PySocks, pyln-bolt7, pycparser, base58, cffi, cryptography, coincurve, pyln-proto, pyln-client
Successfully installed PySocks-1.7.1 asn1crypto-1.5.1 base58-2.1.1 bitstring-3.1.9 cffi-1.15.1 coincurve-17.0.0 cryptography-36.0.2 pycparser-2.21 pyln-bolt7-1.0.246 pyln-client-23.2 pyln-proto-23.2
(.venv) ◉ tony@tony:~/clnlive:
$ alias l1-cli
alias l1-cli='lightning-cli --lightning-dir=/tmp/l1-regtest'
(.venv) ◉ tony@tony:~/clnlive:
$ lightningd --lightning-dir=/tmp/l1-regtest --daemon
(.venv) ◉ tony@tony:~/clnlive:
$ l1-cli plugin start $(pwd)/myplugin-pyln.py
   "code": -3,
   "message": "/home/tony/clnlive/myplugin-pyln.py: exited before replying to getmanifest"
(.venv) ◉ tony@tony:~/clnlive:
$ l1-cli plugin start $(pwd)/myplugin-pyln.py
   "command": "start",
   "plugins": [
         "name": "/usr/local/libexec/c-lightning/plugins/autoclean",
         "active": true,
         "dynamic": false
         "name": "/usr/local/libexec/c-lightning/plugins/chanbackup",
         "active": true,
         "dynamic": false
         "name": "/usr/local/libexec/c-lightning/plugins/bcli",
         "active": true,
         "dynamic": false
         "name": "/usr/local/libexec/c-lightning/plugins/commando",
         "active": true,
         "dynamic": false
         "name": "/usr/local/libexec/c-lightning/plugins/funder",
         "active": true,
         "dynamic": true
         "name": "/usr/local/libexec/c-lightning/plugins/topology",
         "active": true,
         "dynamic": false
         "name": "/usr/local/libexec/c-lightning/plugins/keysend",
         "active": true,
         "dynamic": false
         "name": "/usr/local/libexec/c-lightning/plugins/offers",
         "active": true,
         "dynamic": true
         "name": "/usr/local/libexec/c-lightning/plugins/pay",
         "active": true,
         "dynamic": true
         "name": "/usr/local/libexec/c-lightning/plugins/txprepare",
         "active": true,
         "dynamic": true
         "name": "/usr/local/libexec/c-lightning/plugins/spenderp",
         "active": true,
         "dynamic": false
         "name": "/usr/local/libexec/c-lightning/plugins/sql",
         "active": true,
         "dynamic": true
         "name": "/usr/local/libexec/c-lightning/plugins/bookkeeper",
         "active": true,
         "dynamic": false
         "name": "/home/tony/clnlive/myplugin-pyln.py",
         "active": true,
         "dynamic": true
(.venv) ◉ tony@tony:~/clnlive:
$ connect 1 2
   "id": "0271aecf3075ce72f2df479b60fc1db98d4d780c66fa495013614054554e1bb2bf",
   "features": "08a000080269a2",
   "direction": "out",
   "address": {
      "type": "ipv4",
      "address": "",
      "port": 7272
(.venv) ◉ tony@tony:~/clnlive:
$ l1-cli disconnect 0271aecf3075ce72f2df479b60fc1db98d4d780c66fa495013614054554e1bb2bf
(.venv) ◉ tony@tony:~/clnlive:
$ l1-cli plugin start $(pwd)/myplugin-pyln.py
   "command": "start",
   "plugins": [...]
(.venv) ◉ tony@tony:~/clnlive:
$ connect 1 2
   "id": "0271aecf3075ce72f2df479b60fc1db98d4d780c66fa495013614054554e1bb2bf",
   "features": "08a000080269a2",
   "direction": "out",
   "address": {
      "type": "ipv4",
      "address": "",
      "port": 7272
(.venv) ◉ tony@tony:~/clnlive:
$ l1-cli disconnect 0271aecf3075ce72f2df479b60fc1db98d4d780c66fa495013614054554e1bb2bf
(.venv) ◉ tony@tony:~/clnlive:
$ l1-cli plugin start $(pwd)/myplugin-pyln.py
   "command": "start",
   "plugins": [...]
(.venv) ◉ tony@tony:~/clnlive:
$ connect 1 2
   "id": "0271aecf3075ce72f2df479b60fc1db98d4d780c66fa495013614054554e1bb2bf",
   "features": "08a000080269a2",
   "direction": "out",
   "address": {
      "type": "ipv4",
      "address": "",
      "port": 7272
(.venv) ◉ tony@tony:~/clnlive:
$ ps -ax | rg myplugin
1207796 ?        S      0:00 python /home/tony/clnlive/myplugin-pyln.py
1207907 pts/0    S+     0:00 rg myplugin
(.venv) ◉ tony@tony:~/clnlive:
$ l1-cli disconnect 0271aecf3075ce72f2df479b60fc1db98d4d780c66fa495013614054554e1bb2bf
(.venv) ◉ tony@tony:~/clnlive:
$ l1-cli plugin start $(pwd)/myplugin-pyln.py
   "command": "start",
   "plugins": [...]
(.venv) ◉ tony@tony:~/clnlive:
$ connect 1 2
   "id": "0271aecf3075ce72f2df479b60fc1db98d4d780c66fa495013614054554e1bb2bf",
   "features": "08a000080269a2",
   "direction": "out",
   "address": {
      "type": "ipv4",
      "address": "",
      "port": 7272
(.venv) ◉ tony@tony:~/clnlive:
$ l1-cli disconnect 0271aecf3075ce72f2df479b60fc1db98d4d780c66fa495013614054554e1bb2bf
(.venv) ◉ tony@tony:~/clnlive:
$ l1-cli plugin start $(pwd)/myplugin-pyln.py
   "command": "start",
   "plugins": [...]
(.venv) ◉ tony@tony:~/clnlive:
$ l1-cli invoice 0.001btc inv pizza
   "payment_hash": "cdc9e18d9bd7e8c9206f8a1ed085b433ee52c4f669fe2b769b249ea792fb13d0",
   "expires_at": 1684421489,
   "bolt11": "lnbcrt1m1pj96q83sp59lafyq9v75389rf7vw9naa98wgcjclqlhm0uv078x6x2dl55l3kqpp5ehy7rrvm6l5vjgr03g0dppd5x0h9938kd8lzka5myj020yhmz0gqdqgwp5h57npxqyjw5qcqp29qyysgqnj9sv2jnkvt8ggjwhtz66gqhgakpdux5addva5zpm2u86q7a60rzn8ravhg9wrfkum80sevcpr82gxqs3j7a9nmrwrx4scsdha6jnssq0hs8he",
   "payment_secret": "2ffa9200acf522728d3e638b3ef4a772312c7c1fbedfc63fc7368ca6fe94fc6c",
   "warning_capacity": "Insufficient incoming channel capacity to pay invoice"
(.venv) ◉ tony@tony:~/clnlive:

Source code


#!/usr/bin/env python

import sys
import json

# getmanifest
request = sys.stdin.readline()
sys.stdin.readline() # "\n"
req_id = json.loads(request)["id"]

manifest = {
    "jsonrpc": "2.0",
    "id": req_id,
    "result": {
        "dynamic": True,
        "options": [],
        "rpcmethods": [],
        "subscriptions": ["connect", "disconnect"]


# init
request = sys.stdin.readline()
sys.stdin.readline() # "\n"
req_id = json.loads(request)["id"]

init = {
    "jsonrpc": "2.0",
    "id": req_id,
    "result": {}


# io loop

for request in sys.stdin:
    sys.stdin.readline() # "\n"

    method = json.loads(request)["method"]
    if method == "connect":
        with open("/tmp/myplugin", "a") as myplugin:
            myplugin.write("connect notification: " + request + "\n")

    if method == "disconnect":
        with open("/tmp/myplugin", "a") as myplugin:
            myplugin.write("disconnect notification: " + request + "\n")


#!/usr/bin/env python

from pyln.client import Plugin
import json

plugin = Plugin()

def connect_func(plugin, id, direction, address , **kwargs):
    notif = {
        "id": id,
        "direction": direction,
        "address": address
    with open("/tmp/myplugin-pyln", "a") as myplugin:
        myplugin.write("connect notification: " + json.dumps(notif) + "\n")

def disconnect_func(plugin, id, **kwargs):
    with open("/tmp/myplugin-pyln", "a") as myplugin:
        myplugin.write("disconnect notification: " + id + "\n")

def invoice_creation_func(plugin, invoice_creation, **kwargs):
    with open("/tmp/myplugin-pyln", "a") as myplugin:
        myplugin.write("invoice_creation notification: " +
                       json.dumps(invoice_creation) + "\n")



#!/usr/bin/env bash

ubuntu=$(lsb_release -ds)
lightningd=$(lightningd --version | xargs printf "lightningd %s\n")
python=$(python --version)

printf "%s\n%s\n%s\n" "$ubuntu" "$python" "$lightningd"


  "jsonrpc": "2.0",
  "method": "connect",
  "params": {
    "id": "0271aecf3075ce72f2df479b60fc1db98d4d780c66fa495013614054554e1bb2bf",
    "direction": "out",
    "address": {
      "type": "ipv4",
      "address": "",
      "port": 7272


connect notification: {"jsonrpc":"2.0","method":"connect","params":{"id":"0271aecf3075ce72f2df479b60fc1db98d4d780c66fa495013614054554e1bb2bf","direction":"out","address":{"type":"ipv4","address":"","port":7272}}}

connect notification: {"jsonrpc":"2.0","method":"connect","params":{"id":"0271aecf3075ce72f2df479b60fc1db98d4d780c66fa495013614054554e1bb2bf","direction":"out","address":{"type":"ipv4","address":"","port":7272}}}

disconnect notification: {"jsonrpc":"2.0","method":"disconnect","params":{"id":"0271aecf3075ce72f2df479b60fc1db98d4d780c66fa495013614054554e1bb2bf"}}


connect notification: 0271aecf3075ce72f2df479b60fc1db98d4d780c66fa495013614054554e1bb2bf
connect notification: {"id": "0271aecf3075ce72f2df479b60fc1db98d4d780c66fa495013614054554e1bb2bf", "direction": "out", "address": {"type": "ipv4", "address": "", "port": 7272}}
connect notification: {"id": "0271aecf3075ce72f2df479b60fc1db98d4d780c66fa495013614054554e1bb2bf", "direction": "out", "address": {"type": "ipv4", "address": "", "port": 7272}}
disconnect notification: 0271aecf3075ce72f2df479b60fc1db98d4d780c66fa495013614054554e1bb2bf
invoice_creation notification: {"msat": "100000000msat", "preimage": "88042f007f02283571abbc40aca8b4302643415e85c71413177ef139b4276970", "label": "inv"}
